The UN Global Compact is aimed at companies worldwide that jointly pursue the goal of aligning their activities and strategies with defined principles in the areas of human rights, labor standards, the environment and climate, and corruption prevention. These principles build on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted in 2015, which are at the heart of the 2030 Agenda. The SDGs provide a framework for achieving a better future for all people.
Looking at sustainability, compliance and corporate culture
The protection of the environment and natural resources are goals of high priority for the KERN-LIEBERS Group.
We have installed certified environmental management systems in the Group and live them in our daily work. Our environmental standards are subject to continuous internal and external audits.
Here you can find our environmental certificates.

KERN-LIEBERS has been part of the United Nations Global Compact since 2022. We as the KERN-LIEBERS Group do not just want to talk about our responsibility for corporate sustainability, we want to live it. With our participation we have committed ourselves to support the ten principles of UN Global Compact and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals to contribute to a better world tomorrow. The topic of sustainability has also found an important place in the KERN-LIEBERS Group's strategy.

Our company profile at the United Nations Global Compact (incl. current Communication on Progress Report) can be found here here.
You have questions regarding sustainability at KERN-LIEBERS? Get in touch:
In our daily interactions, we are aware of our responsibility towards our employees, our customers and our environment.
Our duty of care does not stop at our factory gates, but extends throughout our supply chain.
Here you will find the declaration of principles, as well as the rules of procedure of our management regarding the Supply Chain Act.

The KERN-LIEBERS Group has set up a complaints procedure that enable individuals to point out human rights and environmental risks as well as violations of human rights-related or environmental due diligence obligations.
Your can reach us as follows:
Hugo Kern und Liebers GmbH & Co KG
Platinen- und Federnfabrik
Attn.: Team Investigations
Dr. Kurt-Steim-Str. 35
78713 Schramberg
Our zero tolerance for corruption is expressed in our Anti-Corruption Policy.
WE LIVE TECHNOLOGY – that is our motto and that is what drives us.

This way you will be informed about all news of our KERN-LIEBERS Group.