Foundation stone ceremony in Tianjin/China
On June 20th, 2017 KERN-LIEBERS celebrated the foundation stone ceremony for a new plant in the city of Tianjin, situated about two hours by car from Beijing.
After the foundation of the company KERN-LIEBERS Precision Technology (Tianjin) and the acquisition of 45.000 m² of land, the first phase of the groundwork operations to build a 15.000m² production plant now commenced.
Starting in 2019, the company will produce wire springs, strip springs, stamped parts, and stamped-bent parts at the site, and offer various heat-treatment services. The plant is an addition to the already existing KERN-LIEBERS production sites in China, based in Taicang and Guangzhou. Currently, KERN-LIEBERS employs more than 1.000 people in China.
The ceremony was attended by delegates of official authorities, such as the director of Tianjin’s business development corporation (BEDA) Mr. Liu Chunhai, as well as by
Dr. Udo Schnell (CEO of the KERN-LIEBERS Group), Klaus Scheuble (CFO of the KERN-LIEBERS Group), and by the upper management of the KERN-LIEBERS Group in China, led by Mr. Richard Zhang (CEO), Mr. Simon Veit (COO), and Mr. Alexander Tobert (CFO).